Sunday, August 13, 2006

I always wondered where one drew the line. Between Indian and NRI. I always figured it was the day I threw out my last "Gopal" underwear and convereted in entirety to Jockey (ot its cheap chinese equivalent).

But I was wrong. It was actually today. When I spent $11.50 to watch a Karan Johar movie in Perth.

For the first time ever I saw a movie hall in Perth filled to capacity. First time I have seen anything in Perth filled to capacity (barring car parks). Indians stacked in unshapely rows from the carpets to the rafters. Simultaneously munching away on copious amounts of popcorn and ice cream. What a sight. And the sound. People talking contantly. Answering cell phones. Several people turned around suddenly to hold a conversation with the Indian they were sharing their armrest with, only to realise they didn't speak each others language. So they would revert back to english. But suddenly without the accent! Caught off guard by people off their own race they suddenly felt no urge to pronounce a's as I's.

The movie was nothing to write home about. So I won't. The usual fare of of love and cheating and random acts of disco dancing. For some reason all set in New York. I have no idea why New York was important to the whole plot. And ofcourse there was no insight whatsoever into NRI lives. No background or explanantion as to what each person does, which allows them to afford such Donald-Trump-exorbitant lifestyles. But... I shouldn't complain. We are like that only. Was I supposed to expect something different? Guess not... maybe the NRI in me did... shame on him...
Anyway. I have had this irritation in my left eye for the last couple of days. Somethings nesting there for sure. From time to time it acts up and my left eye starts watering profusely. The right eye tends to give it some company. On top of that, I have a little anatomical quirk, which makes tears well up in my eyes when I yawn. Normally it's no big deal. But today, the combination of both made quite a scene today after the movie. As we were all leaving people stopped and turned to stare at me.

They all probably thought I was rather moved by Shah Rukh Khan's, Dr. House impersonation...

9:27 AM


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Location: Perth, WA, Australia

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