Wednesday, April 05, 2006
So that's my friend Greg... he is a model (once used his pic as mine to throw off a strange and conniving female but in the process also threw off a sweet and wonderful female.... but that's another story)
But the thing is.. he has this bizarre sense of humour... he can turn almost anything you say into a sexual innuendo...
Allow me to demsontrate...
Me: This is Alyson's book. I am going to give it to her.
Greg: I know you'd love to give it to her. But when are you giving her the book.
Me (phone): I am just getting off the bus.
Greg: You love to get it off on the bus don't you?
Me: This is so friggin hard!
Greg: You love it hard don't you?
Me (phone): I'm just coming in behind you.
Greg: .... (on second thoughts.. you figure this one out)
But recently it's become terrible... it's not just obvious things like.. getting it off.. getting it on.. giving it to someone... coming... it's big... it's hard... ride...the usual words...
nowadays it's EVRYTHING.. I mean EVERYTHING...
Me: This weekend I am cleaning up the garden..
Greg: Yeah. You love fertilising the bush don't you?
Me: I love listening to the cranberries on a monday
Greg: Yeah. You just love all sorts of ripe fruits don't you?
Me: I got shepherd's pie for lunch...
Greg: You just love pies don't you? Especially when they are nice and meaty.
I swear.. it's impossible now.. and it's rubbing off on me.
just the other day I saw someone walking a geyhound.. I said to her..
"What a maginificent animal!"
"yeah.. and you're dog's pretty nice too...."
DOH!! Thank god she didn't hear me properly..
What's wrong with me? Damn you greg!
8:45 AM