Sunday, April 02, 2006

Saw three movies today... been a long time since I have seen three movies in a day...

First up was Iris... now movies like this seriously, genuinely scare me. The way Wes Craven scares normal people. Basically I am scared of movies with british dames, mental illness, and writers or novelists. Any combination of those. Needless to say "the hours" was a particularly edgy experience... But this movie wasn't half bad... romantic in a sweet sort of way... but not sugary... not shiny... the sequences featuring their early lives, when the gorgeous young rebellious novelist starts falling for the balding geeky virgin teacher is quite fascinating... very human and touching in a way... the sequences from the later life which alternate get a little boring... a batty english actress playing a rather batty old woman going completely loco... doesn't really hold too many thrills for me... but the old guy... Jim Broadbent... he really lifted it up... nice... good way to spend a Sunday afternoon... and yes.. Kate Winslet does get nude... "eternal sunshine" is the only movie I have seen till date in which she doesn't.... she is the british/fat chicks Nicole Kidman she is....

The second was Legally Blonde 2. Now this movie really DID scare the bajeebers out of me. My urge to kill Reese Witherspoon grows stronger... and I fail to see how anybody could NOT want to kill her.... but it's not her fault.... it's the character she plays... are there really girls like that in America? I am sure there are... I see them in almost every movie...except they are usually minor characters, who are mean to the good kids, and usually meet with some unfortunate accident like pie in the face on prom night... but in this one... SHE is the one making the "believe in yourself and be who you are" speech at the end... Now wonder America is full of psychotic serial killers... Just watching the movie made me, a fairly normal perosn (no laughing), feel like strangling some sorority girls and wearing their flesh as a coat.

Finally... saw Angel heart... always wanted to.... now there... is a GOOD movie...

7:53 AM


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