Friday, March 10, 2006

You have to check this out.. it's too funny

"Borat" is another one of Sacha Cohen's alter ego's. His most famous one being Ali G. Now Borat takes country singing lessons and goes to a typical redneck bar somewhere in USA and starts singing this song. "Throw the Jew down the well." And amazing... everybody joins in! Singing and clapping and swaying to the chorus... throw the jew down the well... Ah Americans. They can't even tell when they are getting their goose boiled.

It reminded me of our heydays. When we used to haunt comedy clubs and made plans to one day come up with an act of our own. Only problem was, none of us were much good at stand up. So we decided to stuff like that. Observational Humour. Reality Humour.

There were five of us. Another Indian lawyer to be. A third generation Egyptian. A 2nd generation Filipino. And a token white guy. As a result, most of our gags were going to centre around multiculturalism and racial stereotyping and so on.

Unfortunately. We didn't do to many. I actually went along to two of them.

1) In the first one, we basically hung around the city and asked people to sign a petition. A petition to build a mosque as part of the riverside development project. It was so hillarious. The Egyptian guy did most of the work. He conjured up a bizarre Arabic accent. We hung around like his lackeys. The white guy wore a suite and signed ppl up. And we only approached white people. It was hillarious. The comments we heard

"It is very broadminded. Maybe a little too broadminded."

"I am not a racist. But I just don't like that kind of people."

"They can build as many mosques as they like. Just not here."

Old lady - "We are not an islamic country"

Us - "But we are a secular country madam."
Old lady - "so no religion should get preference"
Us - "well there is 1 muslim for every 10 christians. But there are 0 mosques to every 176 churches"
Old Lady - "well. That's just too bad!"

"I don't think we should encourage them."

2) The second gag was not as complex. The filipino guy took pictures of his girlfriend. Made a poster of it and we went around asking people to vote for her to become the next Miss Western Australia. We then claimed she had been rejected from the contest adn wanted people to fight for her to be back in. Got a bunch of funny comments as well.
Middle aged woman - "well. She doesn't look very Western Australian does she?"
Filipino guy (in thick fake asian accent) - "she got PR. In March. She western australian. She love beer and beef"
Woman - "see. That's what I mean. She's not really from here is she?"
Us: So madam you are?

Woman - Ofcourse I am.
Us: Ah. Funny. You don't look like an aborigine.

The guys did a few more. Like the Egyptian guy tried to join the Australia First Party (which is realya well disguised white supremacist group). The letters they sent back and forth are positively hillarious.

The Egyptian Guy and my Indian friend showed up in a catholic church in Islamic gear and wanted to join the Carol Choir. Wish I saw that one. Was apparently their best gag ever. At some stage the Egyptian Guy tried to sing Holy Night like a Qawalli... which finally got the kicked out.

Ahh.. those were the days. Don't know where those guys are now. My Indian pal moved to melbourne. As a result I lost touch with the entire group. Would be fun if I could track one of them down and get copies of the few tapes we made.

8:27 AM


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