Friday, February 24, 2006
Ok... this is freaking me out... people I don't want reading my blog... ARE reading my blog...
It's scary... a person came to me today and told me he had read my blog... scared me... I could have very well written about him.. infact I think I did....
I checked my site stats and there are a number of people who have visited my site after searching for my first name on google... why? Why would someone google MY name? Seriously... it's creepy... at first I thought maybe it was people like that weird female on my Yahoo list who insisted I was her Tamil friend.... mistaken identity.. but NO! These people, atleast some of them, were actually looking for me... and they found my blog...
and that's not easy to do... you know why? Because I googled my own first name, and the blog actually shows up on the very LAST page.... the LAST... after 12 pages... now not only did someone google my name, they actually sifted through 12 pages of irrelevance to get to my blog...
I need to fix this... Any ideas?
On the subject... the thing that keep smy blog going... really is Srin's blog... she can hate me all she wants but she is still doing me favours unknowingly... Isn't she brilliant or what? some 58% of my total hits are referreed from her site... some 20% from a lot of the keyword searches that send people to my site are "srin","srin's blog","srin pics", "srin JU" and so on... it's uncanny...
I am not sure if you noticed... but I used the words "srin" and "blog"... now to just sit back and watch the traffic roll in as people google for her... hehehe
6:05 AM