Thursday, February 09, 2006
Here are some of the best movies/Tv shows I have seen recently... you definitely should watch....
On TV:
1) Prison Break... best piece of TV I have seen in a long time.
2) LOST - a bit convoluted... but once you get into it... there is no letting go... must must watch
3) Quentin Taratino's double episode of CSI.
4) The latest season 24... this thing just gets better
5) House - most people will like it... if you are slightly bio or just scientfically minded you'll love it...
6) Scrubs - it's just so so funny...
1) Sin-City: Director's cut (DVD)
2) Munich
3) Hostel (not a excellent movie.... probably doesn't belong in this list.. but it's just the kind of twisted bizarre trash I like once in a while)
4) Walk the line
5) The squid and the whale (must)
6) Syriana
7) Good night and good luck (must must)
8) Capote..
7:33 AM