Sunday, February 05, 2006

The blog roll has been due for an update for a while... I was having this conversation with ANc the other day... we were telling ourselves that Srin must get like a million hits a day.... I mean she writes two lines piffle and 3 hours later it has 6 comments on it. Just Fascinating! But to that Anc pointed out that it may not just because of her immense social magnetism (althought I insist that is a factor) but more so because of her enormous blogroll. Good point. Apparently people visit her blog for the blog roll, treating it like a blog portal, a page of bookmarks. Come for the links, stay for the posts. But that's just brilliant. Because all this traffic, the linking and backlinking makes her google rank rise with leaps and bounds. So. Now I am determined to increase my blog roll too. In an effort to increase my google rank. Why do I need to increase my rank? I really don't know. An ego thing. A man thing. Spitting contests, drinking contests... something along those lines.

So I added a few more people. As always, I can't do things without preamble. So here goes. Please keep an open mind. It's not that hard you know......

Anc: I have been meaning to add him for a while. Top bloke ofcourse. Met him once. Not as geeky as you would expect from someone that hung up on LOTR. No buck teeth or weird headgear. Nope. Not at all a weirdo... well maybe just a little...ina good way

Absolutist: Another decent chap. Has good taste in music. Probably studies physics or something. Nice combination. The whole science and culture thing. Kinda like me (except I don't have the culture). Good guy. But you better not have anything he wants.. or he will drive you nuts asking for it.

J.A.P: Now... there really isn't much I can tell you about this guy that you probably haven't read in like 50 other blogs this month. Old school. A true heavyweight of Indian Blogsphere (or blogworld or whatever it is you ppl are calling it today). I truly admire the quality of his posts. They are always the right size, the right topics with the right amount of pictures. No wonder everybody read em. Points to be taken people... pay attention. Does have a endency to launch into poetic monolgues once ina while.... but then which bengali man doesn't?

"sen"sational - is anything but... nah ... just kidding. 17-18 yr old female... know nothing abt her so shouldn't comment. Posts a lot abt her friends and her life. Good fun to read once in a while to know what makes 17-18yr old girls tick...

eve's lungs - Rarely posts, understandably so... because unlike the rest of us she actually HAS a real life. But when she does, it's quality. It's good to read slightly more mature people's blogs once in a while (as with J.A.P.). You get a different perspective. The binds of normal society would usually prevent much casual interaction with people like her and JAP for us (atleast me)... but blogs somehow change that...Strange coincidence.. her daughter and she picked the exact same template.

Ray-deo: Posts quizzes from time to time. The kind of quizzes I like actually. Not impossible, not stuff you don't have a clue about, but it's just that it'll puzzle you. And when you hear the answers, you go "ahhhh damn! I knew that". Once upon a time I had tried my hand at quizzing. Unfortunately, I wasn't too good at gluing my lips to the quiz in-charge teacher's behind, unlike some individuals. SO I gave that up and moved on to things I am better at.... like criticizing people. But yeah... once ina while it's good to log on to ray-deo and take the old trivia bucket for a spin to see if it still got it.

8:25 AM


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